Saturday, November 17, 2012

It Fills My Mind

At this time of year, my mind is filled with thoughts of getting to this point, being Mom to this wonderful guy. I actually don't think at all of the years of waiting, but I do think of the week prior to leaving,and the flights to Kazakhstan. I think of my arrival in Kazakhstan and the spending a wonderful (not) 12 hours hanging out in the airport in Almaty, (unfortunately it wasn't the only time I would spend a night in that airport waiting on the benches outside the security check for my flight to Uralsk). And I think of those first 2 days in Uralsk waiting to get to the baby house. But most of all I think of meeting Denis.

March 2011 Celebrating a belated Christmas
April 2011 Driving his favourite vehicle after I finally put it together.

August 2011 Planning to tell Mommy and Uncle John where to go (something he does all the time).
June 2012 Making faces at Kazapalooza.
July 2012 More faces for the camera

Sept 2012 Driving a car at the CNE.
2 years ago today I met this little guy, crying his eyes out in the director's office in Kazakhstan. I got to spend and hour with him. I have very fond memories of that day, I started to fall in love that day, then spent another week trying to 'be logical'.
Today I got to spend the entire 24 hours with him, and I'm sure in days, weeks to come, I won't have any memories of today, but every moment is enjoyed and a gift.

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